martes, 5 de abril de 2011

My free time
I love eating chocolate
Carmina and Mónica enjoy playing the piano
Imma and Maria enjoy playing the guitar
Alba likes doing sports
I like watching TV
Ana and Ana loves dancing
Maria likes surfing the internet
Carmina likes riding  a horse
I don't playing football
I hate eating onion

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Com estalviar aigua

1. Quan et rentes les dents, utilitza un got. No deixes l'aixeta oberta.
2. No utilitzes l'inodor com a poal de fem .
3. Dúchat en compte de banyar-te i tanca l'aixeta mentres t'ensabones.Estalviaràs un mitja de 150 litres al mateix temps.
4. Rega les teues plantes i el jardi a poqueta nit o alba. Utilitza sistemes de reg automàtics, per goteig.
5. Utilitza la llavadora i el llavaplats amb la càrrega completa i el programa adequat.Quan rentes a mà consumixes un 40% mes d'aigua

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010


Hi Maristel !!
1. How can I get to Stonehenge?

by road, by train, by bus .

2.When can I visit the monument?

Spring 1 Apr to 31 May
09.30 - 18.00

Summer 1 Jun to 31 Aug
09.00 - 19.00

Autumn 1 Sept to 15 Oct
09.30 - 18.00

Winter 16 Oct to 15 Mar
09.30 - 16.00

3.How much does a ticket cost?

Adult £ 6.90
Child (5-15) £ 3.50     Child (Under 5) Free
Concession £ 5.90    Family ticket £ 17.30

4. Is there any place to stay in?

Holiday Inn Salisbury-Stonehenge ,

The Cathedral Hotel Salisbury ,

The Royal Chase Hotel.
5. Can you get me a photo of the place?

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Demi Lovato .

Demi Lovato .

-Demi Lovato was born on August 20 th , 1992, she is an actress and signer. She perfoned the movie ''Camp Rock'' on Disney Channel . Demi Lovato was born in Dallas Texas .

-Demi began acting at the age of six . In January 2007 she got an important role in some Disney Channel short series.

-Demi Lovato tour began in May the 23 rd , 2010 in Santiago de Chile and also in May the 28 th 2010 in Santiago de Chile and also in May the 28 th , 2010 in Brasie. She now sings and plays in different series.

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Special memories

ibiza .            

This was my first visit to Ibiza. I went with my parents. It was
the first week of may. The weather was very nice.

We travelled by boat from Denia port of to Ibiza. There we
got a car. We spend there four days. There were somany  
places to visit But Ireally liket the beaches .

We really enjoyed our days there. We could eat delicious

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

my profile (:

My name is Carmen .
I live in Xàbia .
My birthday is in December.
I can swim.
I have got one dog.
My favourite colour is pink.
I love pizza.
I never play basketball.
I have got blue eyes.
I am happy.
I study at Mª Inmaculada school.
I am twelve years old.
I haven't got any cats.
I usually go to school.